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Manic Depressant

There are different types of depression that a person can experience. Manic depressant or as the medical community calls it bipolar disorder is one such depression type. Depression disorders like manic depressant are mood disorders. They need to be treated with medical advice and medication coupled with therapy.

In manic depressant there are two poles of extreme mood swings. There will be a phase of euphoric high or mania followed a brief spell of normalcy then feelings of complete and utter worthlessness and sadness. The manic depressant mood changes are episodic. As these mood disorders originate from the brain manic depressant is also considered as a neurological brain disorder. Untreated, manic depressant will end up becoming a manic illness. There are three different phases of manic depression. They are hypomania, acute mania and delirious mania.

5 Ways to Fight Depression

Depression is a serious problem that hits many people. The real cause of depression can not be ascertained up to now but it is believed that a person can do something to prevent it from becoming severe. It is also a fact that if the person became aware that he is about to have depression, he can do something to prevent it from happening. Early recognition of this disease is one key that will help the individual to fight it.

Depression is a sad disease that can destroy a person. There are ways to fight it. Find out how you can beat this disease.

10 Steps to Overcoming Depression

Here is some real world practical advice that may help you overcome or manage episodes of depression in your life.

1. Consider turning off the news in the morning or at night before you go to bed. Hearing about or watching tragic events taking place in their community or globally can affect some people and elicit feelings of fear and sadness. The morning when you first wake up and in the evening just before you go to bed are often the times when our subconscious mind is most receptive to information.

2. Use the wrist band technique. A co-worker of mine mentioned she had heard on the radio about a minister who asked his congregation to put a rubber wrist band on their right wrist. Whenever they complained about something or criticized someone they would switch the wrist band from their right wrist to their left wrist. This may increase your awareness as to how often you may be complaining about others and situations which definitely will affect your outlook and mood.

Depression Statistics - Just the Facts

Depression is quickly becoming one of the biggest medical disorders, and, unfortunately, killers, of all time. It affects people all over the world with no regard to age, sex, race, or financial background. Everyone feels blue during their lives, but some people are faced with factors that take their blueness to an entirely new level. Through medical treatment, psychotherapy, and mediation, people can recover from depression.

Sobering numbers on depression

Researching the statistics on depression has revealed just how widespread this problem has become. Nine and half percent of Americans over the age of eighteen suffer from some depressive order, including major depression, dysthymic disorder, and bipolar disorder. Everyone in the world will be affected by depression in their lifetimes and the depression may not necessarily be their own. Already children as young as pre-schoolers are suffering clinical depression, and the rate of depression among kindergarteners is rising.

Self-Help for Depression - A 3-Day Plan for Breaking the Sad Cycle

Have you ever said to yourself, a friend, or a loved one, "My life is great. I have nothing to complain about, but I just feel so sad!" Everyone experiences feelings of depression and sadness once in a while. Although most people can pinpoint the cause of their blues, such as experiencing hard times, receiving bad news, living with rainy weather, or even having hormonal changes, some people feel sad or depressed without really knowing why.

I recently had lunch with a friend and when I started listening to the negative stories I was telling her about the current state of my life, I had an epiphany: I was stuck in a sad cycle that was creating a steady stream of negative thoughts in my mind!

Few Good Ways to Get Rid of Depression

There are plenty of ways that you can use and do to get rid of depression. You need to get rid of depression in order to gain better and happier life. This article will give you few things that you should do in order to fight depression and gain a good life. Read on...

The most common ways to get rid of depression are learning about the mindset and how to change it. Do not let depression ruin your life. You have to admit that there is something wrong and you have to find ways to solve and cure it. Instead of locking yourself in your room, why don't you attend groups in your community in order to feel a lot busier and can enjoy things with friends.

Is it Possible to Defeat Depression and Anxiety in Your Life? Most Certainly Yes - Here's How

Everyone has stress in their lives - it does not matter how wealthy you are, where you live, what your convictions are or what you do for a living. Some choose to ignore stress without taking action, while some others plunge into the dungeons of depression and anxiety as a result stress in their lives and yet some others who choose to recognize that stress exists and are willing to take things head on, in an effort to mitigate the risk to themselves - physiologically and psychologically. As yourself a candid question - which category do you fit in?

Stress is the root cause. Mental conditions such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks and phobias are the by-products of that stress. When left untreated, such mental disorders can cause physiological damage to your body in addition to the strain on your psychological constitution. Coupled together, stress is the root cause behind millions of lives being extinguished all over the world before having the opportunity to shine. Stress is a silent killer and works almost like a slow poison, gradually consuming the core essence of your life.

Antidepressant Medications

Depression is a serious condition that affects around a quarter of the population in Western countries each year. Its main symptoms are low mood, low self esteem, depleted energy and loss of interest. This can seriously affect the lives of sufferers and even result in death, with 60% of suicides being caused by clinical depression. As it places stress on the nervous system and can also leave patients susceptible to other conditions and place strain on their heart. Furthermore as it effects mood and behaviour it can also have a destructive impact on the social life, career or romantic life of the individual. Depression should not be ignored then, and treatment and help should be sought as soon as the problems arise.

As a mood disorder, the cause of depression is not entirely known. While some cases of depression have a clear cause such as the death of a loved one, other instances of it appear to have no cause and an strike without warning. Psychologists and psychiatrists consider different potential causes of depression depending on the model of the mind they subscribe to and the training they have received; and this will influence the treatment they recommend. With no universal opinion on the treatment of depression then it is important that you understand all the facts before embarking on a course of antidepressant medications.

Effective Methods for Coping With Depression

Depression is quite commonly seen in people now-a-days mainly due to the modern life style and the busy routine. Depression generally arises in people because of the stress and inability to cope up with their work. It is essential to deal with depression at the very early stage to prevent it from becoming worse. People with depression may even think of suicide if the situation gets out of control. The worst part of depression is that in most of the cases, the patients are not aware of the fact that they are in depression. They remain dull and sad all the time even without any specific cause. Depression may lead to heart attack if left untreated. The following are simple methods to cope with depression.

Treating Depression in Children and Adolescents

Irrespective of age, we see that a great number of people are suffering with depression. Bitter fact is that most of them are not aware of the fact that they are suffering with depression and continue to live with it. You might continue to live with depression under compulsion. But, if the condition worsens you may get hurt very badly and may even think of suicidal thoughts. Thus, it is essential to diagnose and treat depression at the budding stage.Irrespective of age, we see that a great number of people are suffering with depression. Bitter fact is that most of them are not aware of the fact that they are suffering with depression and continue to live with it. You might continue to live with depression under compulsion. But, if the condition worsens you may get hurt very badly and may even think of suicidal thoughts. Thus, it is essential to diagnose and treat depression at the budding stage.

Children generally feel depressed if they feel that they are alone and are not being loved by their parents or if they do not have enough friends

How to Diagnose Depression?

Depression is just normal. It’s just a matter of how you’re going to deal with it. Everyone can experience depression. No matter how old or how young you are, you can encounter it not just once but many times. Depression becomes serious when you can’t handle it. But first, we need to know what depression is? Depression is a mental health disorder which involves the feelings of being sad, and sometimes may lead to loss of interest in life, loss of hope and decreased energy. This affects the way we live, the way we sleep, the way we eat, the way we look at ourselves and towards our surroundings most especially the way we look towards life.
How do we know if we’re depressed? 

Herbal Remedies to Cure Depression

It won’t be an understatement to say that depression is a part and parcel of our life in this fast paced world. It’s a mental state which leaves us in a negative and frustrated state of mind.
Feeling upset and stressed is natural, however, if we maintain this frame of mind for a prolonged period of time then it can lead to depression. A depressed mind is more like an unhappy soul with absolute no interest in life. If you have fallen prey to a depressed state of mind, then you may already know, how badly it affects our day to day activities.
Let’s have a quick glance at the causes of depression.
The major causes of depression are failure in life, financial burden, family pressure, unfortunate incidents and continual illness. Individuals leading a lonely life, and being addicted to drugs and alcohol are more prone to depression.
Depressed individuals stay away from the crowd, and they take least care of their health. Some individuals may also turn excessively violent, and you may have already heard about suicide cases occurring due to depressed state of mind.
Fortunately, there are many herbal remedies out there which can help us deal with this problem.
Basil is a herb which can help one reduce stress and tension, which are known to be the prime suspect for depression.

Is Omega-3 Important for Treating Depression?

Depression leads to a number of problems such as overeating, insomnia and lack of concentration. In more severe cases, individual may even develop suicidal thoughts. Hence, it is essential to treat depression at the first stage. Individuals suffering with depression consider using a variety of medicines of which, most of them do not give effective results. This article presents an excellent way to combat the effects of depression.
Major requisite to combat depression is to have a healthy and properly functioning brain. This can be easily attained by having sufficient amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids play role in maintaining a healthy brain by increasing the serotonin levels. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids play role in maintaining the health of nerve cell membranes and to maintain their ability to communicate with other nerve cells. Brain contains a great number of nerve cells. To maintain a healthy brain it is essential to have sufficient amounts of these essential fatty acids. However, they are not synthesized within the body and are to be taken through diet. Poor eating habits increase the risk of suffering with omega-3 fatty acid deficiency. Depressed people do not eat properly and are at high risk of developing the deficiency.

Fighting Winter Depression

After a long hot summer it is never any surprise that winter can feel a little depressing by comparison – it's cold, it's dark and more often than not it’s wet.
When once you were able to frolic (if you're the frolicking type... ) in the sun, now you instead have to keep yourself shacked up and unsociable and watch bad television. Likewise where once you would have gotten up to hear birds singing and to see the sun rising, now instead you wake up to a dark and gloomy scene that has none of the joys of spring about it. In the worst case scenarios it will also be dark by the time you finish work and this can mean that you are coming home in the darkness too – and possibly that you never get a glimpse of sunlight. This can feel slightly akin to being a prisoner of war and it simply means that your world is coloured grey – understandably a depressing scenario.
However it also goes deeper than this and it's actually true that the winter can cause depression. This is particularly true in those suffering from 'SAD' or 'Seasonal Affective Disorder' who will regularly experience depression during the darker months of the year. Meanwhile the coldness and damp air can cause aches in joints and worsen problems like arthritis while also using up your energy to keep warm thereby leaving you tired and unresponsive. Finally the coldness can also suppress your immune system resulting further in tiredness and leading to the development of colds and other illnesses.
So how do you go about combating these problems? And how can you stave off depression so that you can enjoy life in between the summer months? The good news is that there are some ways to do this and some are listed below for your convenience.

Treating Depression With Lithium

Depression is a serious condition that has many negative consequences and that in severe cases can be life threatening even. Suffering from depression can lead to sleeping problems, lifestyle changes, stress, poor diet and in the worst case scenarios eventually suicide. Treating depression then is highly important and this should consist both of therapy in order to address the root cause of the problem and to teach valuable coping skills, as well as through the use of medication in order to control the symptoms during this process and prevent patients from doing harm to themselves or others.
To this end there are many forms of medication used to help control depression, and these can be used in different combinations to achieve varying results. The use of lithium is something that may be attempted when other forms of medication have proven ineffective and may be used either to stabilize mood or to 'augment' other antidepressants by making their effect more potent.
How Does Lithium Work in Treating Depression?
It is not entirely known how lithium works in treating depression, however it is chemically similar to salt (which is also sometimes recommended for treating depression) and like salt it may help to improve transmission between neurons and the way that nerve cells respond to certain chemical messengers.

Different Types of Depression

According to credible surveys made around the world, it is estimated that 1 out of 6 persons will suffer from clinical depression during his or her lifetime. In fact, this emotional and mental malady has become so popular that it is common to read about it in ordinary magazines and newspapers. But how will we know when to take the depressed person to a psychologist or psychiatrist for him to have the proper treatment? And what are the different types of depression?

Stress reduction meditation

It is that specific technique of de-stressing the pressures and unwanted stress of the brain that haunts a patient to work efficiently and take the day-to-day decisions from dawn to dusk. A meditation as a stress reducer wipes away the unexpected negative feelings and thoughts from the mind and gives a clean slate to the person with satisfactory results.

Stress Reduction Meditation

One has the liberty to meditate anywhere at any moment any time of the day. In this juncture certain specific employees are learning special classes of meditation at the workplace so as to de-stress the working loads from their brains because every individual at the work place takes pressures to work their brain for many hours at a stretch without a necessary pause to the brain that in turn makes them vulnerable to take all decisions at a time therefore the therapeutic results out of meditation at workplace is increasing becoming popular in various parts of our world. In short the mystical forces and sacred of life can easily be understood.

Fight Depression and Win

Depression is more than just feeling down and blue, and it’s not something that you can psyche out even though its considered a mental disorder by most experts. Today, more than 20 million people in the United States alone suffer from this condition, and while it affects ones quality of life, it can nevertheless be overcome. If you are suffering from depression, some of the few symptoms that you will experience would include feelings of sadness and indifference, loss of appetite, difficulty of sleeping, unusual fatigue, muscle weakness, and worse, thoughts of suicide. The last symptom in the list should give you an idea that depression is not something that you should take for granted. Whether you or a loved one is suffering with it, you should act at once and deal with the problem immediately.
There are several reasons why a person gets depressed. In order to solve the problem, you have to get to the root of it and determine what may be causing you to feel depressed. This is the first step in curing depression, because if you keep on denying the fact that you are indeed suffering from such condition, it will only make matters worse. Determine the things that you think might have caused you to feel the way you are feeling and deal with it. By all means, let people whom you love know if you are depressed so. Just as the old proverb goes, “No man is an island.” Letting your feelings out would be a helpful idea than to keep your problems to yourself.

How Condemnation Causes Depression

Psychologists and psychiatrists are experts in diagnosing depression, based on the symptoms. Typically, a depressed person is melancholy, either loses his appetite or overeats, and in some cases, he will not feel like spending time with people. This hermit-type symptom of depression is usually attributed simply to the person being in the blues so much that he just is not in the condition to socialize, which is actually understandable.
But do you know there is an underlying cause why depressed people prefer to hide away from people? If you have ever felt that way, you might recall some of the thoughts that crossed your mind that led you to want to stay away from people. Possible causes would be that you kept getting hurt and frustrated by other people, or that you yourself, during your whole depressed phase, only kept lashing out at other people anyway that you decided staying away would keep you from continuing to hurt the ones you love.
In this case, there is actually a deeper root behind your depression. Could it be that behind your strong façade, you are struggling with condemnation?

Major Depressive Disorder

Major depressive disorder (MDD) (also known as recurrent depressive disorderclinical depressionmajor depression,unipolar depression, or unipolar disorder) is a mental disorder characterized by an all-encompassing low mood accompanied by lowself-esteem, and by loss of interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities. This cluster of symptoms (syndrome) was named, described and classified as one of the mood disorders in the 1980 edition of the American Psychiatric Association's diagnostic manual. The term "depression" is ambiguous. It is often used to denote this syndrome but may refer to other mood disorders or to lower mood states lacking clinical significance. Major depressive disorder is a disabling condition that adversely affects a person's family, work or school life, sleeping and eating habits, and general health. In the United States, around 3.4% of people with major depression commitsuicide, and up to 60% of people who commit suicide had depression or another mood disorder.

Signs and symptoms of depression

Depression varies from person to person, but there are some common signs and symptoms. It’s important to remember that these symptoms can be part of life’s normal lows. But the more symptoms you have, the stronger they are, and the longer they’ve lasted—the more likely it is that you’re dealing with depression. When these symptoms are overwhelming and disabling, that's when it's time to seek help.

Understanding Depression

We all go through ups and downs in our mood. Sadness is a normal reaction to life’s struggles, setbacks, and disappointments. Many people use the word “depression” to explain these kinds of feelings, but depression is much more than just sadness.

Some people describe depression as “living in a black hole” or having a feeling of impending doom. However, some depressed people don't feel sad at all—they may feel lifeless, empty, and apathetic, or men in particular may even feel angry, aggressive, and restless.

What is depression?

Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts, behavior, feelings and physical well-being. Depressed people may feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, or restless. They may lose interest in activities that once were pleasurable; experience loss of appetite or overeating, have problems concentrating, remembering details, or making decisions; and may contemplate or attempt suicide. Insomnia, excessive sleeping, fatigue, loss of energy, or aches, pains or digestive problems that are resistant to treatment may be present.